2022 CEG Adopt-A-School Partnership
For the year 2022, CEG partnered with Porter-Hayes Elementary and Rockdale Academy for the Adopt-A-School program. “It was exciting and rewarding to be able to reach out to the schools, principals, teachers and students and assist in their school needs,” says Robin Robinson, 2022 CEG Interim Program Manager.
“At Porter-Hayes, we were able to add games and toys to their store. As the students earn merit points in classroom and attendance, they can shop at the store. A positive incentive for academic and personal growth.”

One of our goals is to expand the program and provide on-going focus on the needs of the school. At Rockdale Academy, we were able to provide teachers with supplies such as glue-gun, construction paper, markers, clock, wireless mouse, cleaning supplies, and other items schools don’t have enough of for their classrooms. This was a very productive year for the program and we’re wishing the schools great success in the coming year.