Our Business Directory is a marketplace listing of Strategic Partners’ businesses where you can shop local in support of our CEG community and benefit from quality goods and services.
DESCRIPTION Financial Literacy Programming for Ages 8 & Up
OFFERS Up to 20% off services for members
WEBSITE http://www.abundanceuniversity.net
CONTACT NAME Lawrence Cain Jr.
EMAIL lcainjr@abundanceuniversity.net
OFFICE PHONE 513-549-2894
MOBILE PHONE 513-331-0552
DESCRIPTION Fashion Accessories & Clothing
OFFERS 10% discount on products/services
WEBSITE https://adcaccessorieslimited.com/
CONTACT NAME Coretta R. Stallworth
EMAIL coretta.stallworth@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-846-6847
MOBILE PHONE 513-460-0341
DESCRIPTION Minority & women owned business advocacy non-profit organization
OFFERS Free or discounts on membership
WEBSITE www.african-americanchamber.com
EMAIL info@african-americanchamber.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-751-9900
DESCRIPTION Roofing, remodeling
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced service
CONTACT NAME Shawndavid Robinson
EMAIL robinson9sk99@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-615-1243
MOBILE PHONE 513-615-1243
DESCRIPTION Men's suits, shoes, apparel. Silk screen printing, embroidery & advertising
OFFERS 10% discount off regular priced items
CONTACT NAME Bomani Tyehimba
EMAIL bomani0530@yahoo.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-402-2662
MOBILE PHONE 513-402-2662
DESCRIPTION Full Service Florist
OFFERS To be determined based on services
WEBSITE http://blossomsflorist.com
EMAIL weddingsbyblossoms@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-531-7673
MOBILE PHONE 513-430-8584
DESCRIPTION Janitorial, cleaning, food service supplies & products
OFFERS 5-15% discount off list price
WEBSITE www.bluerosesupply.com
EMAIL info@bluerosesupply.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-793-6763
DESCRIPTION Consulting firm that works with new and existing nonprofit organizations to provide a roadmap that guides you through initial discovery, needs assessment, goal setting, and plans for agency success.
OFFERS CEG member discounts to attend virtual training sessions.
CONTACT NAME Tephra Fields
OFFICE PHONE 513-713-0222
MOBILE PHONE 513-713-0222
DESCRIPTION Asphalt paving, Construction, Concrete, Stone Walls
OFFERS 10% discount on services provided
CONTACT NAME Carlton Threatts
EMAIL carizona2ct@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-542-0896
MOBILE PHONE 513-314-7527
DESCRIPTION Covenant Bank for CEG
OFFERS 1st time buyer consultation
CONTACT NAME Doug Barnaclo
OFFICE PHONE 513-786-8507
MOBILE PHONE 513-403-3047
DESCRIPTION Masonry contractor
OFFERS 10%-20% discount based on job size
EMAIL marlorice9@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-910-4785
MOBILE PHONE 513-910-4785
DESCRIPTION Insurance, Investments & debt solutions
OFFERS Complimentary investment advice, financial needs analysis, financial seminars
WEBSITE primerica.com/futeljr
EMAIL chuck@chuckfutel.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-821-3332
MOBILE PHONE 513-374-9917
DESCRIPTION Non-emergency medical and other transportation
OFFERS 10% discount on transportation service
CONTACT NAME Deonna Brown / Rhonda Brown
EMAIL cincyelitetransportation@gmail.com
MOBILE PHONE (D) 513-510-3838 / (R) 513-615-9327
DESCRIPTION Affordable benefits packages including medical, dental, and prescription discounts.
WEBSITE https://yesineedinsurance.net
CONTACT NAME Cisco Dowdell
OFFICE PHONE 513-642-9150
MOBILE PHONE 832-889-1217
DESCRIPTION Quality Roofing, siding and gutters. Offer interior and exterior painting
OFFERS 10% discount on construction services
WEBSITE clearviewconstructionllc-oh.com
CONTACT NAME Jeremy Sibert
EMAIL clearviewroofing@outlook.com
OFFICE PHONE 513.-206-6415
MOBILE PHONE 513-206-6415
DESCRIPTION Media Services - Photography, video productions
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced service
CONTACT NAME James Alexander
EMAIL consciousmedia1@ gmail.com
MOBILE PHONE 513-293-9415
DESCRIPTION Photography, video productions
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced service
WEBSITE cincinnatiiptv.com
CONTACT NAME James Alexander
EMAIL consciousmedia1@gmail.com
MOBILE PHONE 513-293-9415
DESCRIPTION Cyber risk management helping organizations mitigate risk on their networks while ensuring compliance with various security frameworks.
OFFERS Special savings of 15%. Hosting of seminars on information and cyber security.
WEBSITE www.cybersurellc.com
EMAIL ewilliams@cybersurellc.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-991-2220
MOBILE PHONE 513-991-2220
DESCRIPTION Auto body repair & service
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced service
WEBSITE www.autobodyrepaircincinnati.com
CONTACT NAME Danzivor Fluker
EMAIL dansautorepair8560@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-791-0028
MOBILE PHONE 513-587-9676
DESCRIPTION Real estate specialist to sellers, buyers, and commercial investors.
OFFERS Commissions negotiable depending on property location and market conditions.
WEBSITE downtowndansby.com
CONTACT NAME Darrick Dansby
EMAIL darrickdansby@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-703-0919
MOBILE PHONE 513-703-0919
DESCRIPTION Christian based gourmet cookie using natural ingredients.
OFFERS 10% discount for CEG Members. Free booths for new entrepreneurs when we have events.
WEBSITE www.daviscookiecollection.com
CONTACT NAME Christina Davis
EMAIL cookie@daviscookiecollection.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-387-9090
MOBILE PHONE 513-387-9090
DESCRIPTION Affordable legal and identity theft protection plans for individuals, families, employees, and business owners. Also looking for others to spread awareness of our company - very attractive compensation structure.
OFFERS Upon enrollment in one of our plans receive.discounts at over 400 different vendors. Free Identity Theft Workshops to CEG members.
WEBSITE dominiquetapplar.wearelegalshield.com
CONTACT NAME Dominique Tapplar
EMAIL dominiquetapplar@shieldbenefits.net
OFFICE PHONE 317-762-6408
MOBILE PHONE 513-371-0195
DESCRIPTION Integrated Pest Management (IPM), COVID Cleaning
OFFERS 10% donation to your church or non-profit
CONTACT NAME Candice Tubbs
OFFICE PHONE 937-641-1875
MOBILE PHONE 513-307-6517
DESCRIPTION Student life coach and professional development, leadership coaching for school administrators
OFFERS Free consultations
WEBSITE www.dreambuildersuniversity.com
CONTACT NAME LaMarque' Ward Sr.
EMAIL l.ward@dreambuildersuniversity.com
OFFICE PHONE 888-959-8942
MOBILE PHONE 513-335-8014
DESCRIPTION Strategic consulting & branding solutions provider. Photography
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced service
WEBSITE www.easleyblessed.com
CONTACT NAME Steven Easley
EMAIL steven@easleyblessed.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-771-1800
MOBILE PHONE 513-289-4292
DESCRIPTION Temporary and Direct Hire Personnel; Full background check services, credentialing, vending machine services
OFFERS 10% Discount on Direct Hire Personnel
WEBSITE www.easternhires.com
CONTACT NAME Angelita Moreno Jones
EMAIL amjones@easternhires.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-421-4666
MOBILE PHONE text 513 421-4666, after business hours
DESCRIPTION Full service catering
OFFERS 10% based on size of the order
WEBSITE www.ediblesnsuch.com
CONTACT NAME Gail Billings
OFFICE PHONE 513-381-8390
MOBILE PHONE 513-381-8390
OFFERS 30% discount on regular priced eyeglasses. Offer cannot be combined with insurance or any other discounts
WEBSITE www.eyecareone.net
CONTACT NAME Dr. Kenneth Crawford
EMAIL drcrawford@fuse.net
OFFICE PHONE 513-755-7775
DESCRIPTION Event Planning Services
WEBSITE familyconcepts.org
CONTACT NAME Jimmie Walker / Thomas Jefferson
EMAIL familyconcepts1@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-550-9074
MOBILE PHONE 513-550-9074
DESCRIPTION Covenant Bank for CEG
OFFERS 1st time buyer consultation
CONTACT NAME Lisa Recchia, Shenda Larry
EMAIL lisa.recchia@bankatfirst.com, shenda.larry@bankatfirst.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-948-2740
MOBILE PHONE 513-500-4169
DESCRIPTION Residential and Commercial Painters both exterior and interior. Some light carpentry and plaster work.
WEBSITE freshcoatpainters.com
CONTACT NAME Fred Harrison
EMAIL fharrison@freshcoatpainters.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-823-2361
MOBILE PHONE 216-849-0009
DESCRIPTION Legal counsel, civil rights & police misconduct. Estate planning documents, estate administration and guardianships.
OFFERS Some services offered at a discounted rate
EMAIL gasmithlaw@yahoo.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-382-7913
MOBILE PHONE 513-382-7913
DESCRIPTION Barbeque Restaurant
OFFERS 15% off any order over $15.00
WEBSITE www.goodiesbarbeque.com
CONTACT NAME Tony Dickerson
EMAIL houseofslabb1@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-264-1631
MOBILE PHONE 513-213-6059
DESCRIPTION Green Pasture Designs LLC provides digital marketing services through web and graphic design, content creation and social media marketing.
OFFERS We offer a complimentary discovery call (initial interview).
WEBSITE createwithgpd.com
CONTACT NAME Jessica Green
EMAIL jessica@gpdcreativeagency.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-999-7175
MOBILE PHONE 513-814-9429
OFFERS Percentage off commission
WEBSITE www.sibcycline.com/gjones
CONTACT NAME (Tammy) Guanette Jones
OFFICE PHONE 513-381-3338
MOBILE PHONE 513-257-8422
DESCRIPTION Health Care Resources
OFFERS Free consultations
WEBSITE healthcareresourcesplus.com
CONTACT NAME Janie Allen-Blue
OFFICE PHONE 513-235-5286
MOBILE PHONE 513-235-5286
DESCRIPTION Tax Preparation
OFFERS 10% discount on filing fee
WEBSITE its-taxservices.com
CONTACT NAME Minnie Jefferson
EMAIL mjefferson@cinci.rr.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-351-0740
MOBILE PHONE 513-351-0740
OFFERS Free tapestry, free Planning for Life and Beyond Counseling
WEBSITE www.jcbattleandsons.com
EMAIL jcbattleandsons@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-281+4330
MOBILE PHONE 513-546-9065
DESCRIPTION Affordable electrical services for your home or business
WEBSITE jarmonhomesolutions.com
CONTACT NAME Rashawn Jarmon
EMAIL rjarmon@jarmonhomesolutionsllc.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-568-7460
MOBILE PHONE 513-266-8290
DESCRIPTION JazJordan Inc. is a non profit organization that plans and executes events that help to uplift and educate the community. Our signature event is The Midwest Regional Black Family Reunion.
OFFERS Discount on tickets to events, preferred seating, sponsorship opportunities to bring awareness to other members businesses.
WEBSITE www.myblackfamilyreunion.org
EMAIL taihearmusic@zoomtown.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-229-0502
MOBILE PHONE 513-253-5379
DESCRIPTION Independent Insurance Agency
OFFERS Professional access to multiple insurance markets
WEBSITE www.jltillmaninsurance.com
CONTACT NAME Jerald Tillman
EMAIL tillman_jerald@yahoo.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-733-8732
MOBILE PHONE 513-225-7488
DESCRIPTION Purveyor of exceptional and unique traditional tribal art and artifacts from the African continent, with emphasis on the people of Sub-Saharan West Africa.
OFFERS No less than 5% to 20% depending on tha items and cost.
WEBSITE www.josephclarkgallery.com
EMAIL josephclarkgallery@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-351-8111
MOBILE PHONE 513-382-4016
DESCRIPTION Health & personal development consultant
OFFERS Free initial consultation
WEBSITE www.marykay.com/kathyelewis
CONTACT NAME Kathye Lewis Norman
EMAIL kathye.lewis@fuse.net
MOBILE PHONE 513-604-2483
DESCRIPTION Newspaper publisher & multi-media company
WEBSITE www.thecincinnatiherald.com
EMAIL publisher.seshnow@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-961-3331
MOBILE PHONE 513-680-7076
DESCRIPTION All-inclusive, upscale, and luxury cuisine catering
OFFERS 10% off all dinner packages
CONTACT NAME Crystal Render Innovative catering company
EMAIL crystalrender@mmcaterz.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-652-5531
MOBILE PHONE 513-652-5531
DESCRIPTION Printing & Direct Marketing Services including direct mail and digital marketing services
OFFERS 10% of booklet printing up to $250.00
WEBSITE www.marketdirectinc.com
CONTACT NAME John & Steph Harmon
EMAIL info@marketdirectinc.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-563-4900
DESCRIPTION Full service staffing agency specializing in finding diverse and inclusive Administrative candidates.
WEBSITE www.mydreamstaffing.com
CONTACT NAME Teamika Jeffrey
EMAIL info@mydreamstaffing.com
OFFICE PHONE 212-457-4079
MOBILE PHONE 917-569-7800
DESCRIPTION Certified Public Accountant
OFFERS 15% discount on regular priced services
WEBSITE justgoodbookeeping.com
EMAIL parksassoccpa@yahoo.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-644-8030
MOBILE PHONE 513-907-3517
DESCRIPTION Promotion of businesses and capturing the history of Cincinnati through photographic imaging.
OFFERS 10% discount CEG members and $150/Hr. for CEG group events.
WEBSITE perfectexposurephoto.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-706-9792
MOBILE PHONE 513-706-9792
DESCRIPTION Full service plumbing and remodeling contractors; safety walk in tubs and shower certified by American Standard.
OFFERS We'll pass on savings provided to us by our partners to CEG members.
CONTACT NAME Kenneth Jones
EMAIL ptsvcinc2016@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-226-3844
MOBILE PHONE 513-226-3844
DESCRIPTION Funeral Services
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced casket purchase
WEBSITE www.prestoncharlesfuneralhome.com
CONTACT NAME Preston Charles Jr.
EMAIL director@prestoncharlesfuneralhome.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-761-0082
DESCRIPTION Residential and Commercial heating, cooling and water heater repair and installation.
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced service repairs over $200
CONTACT NAME Stafford Brown II
EMAIL pro4improvements@gmail.com
MOBILE PHONE 513-849-8869
DESCRIPTION Small business consulting, website development, IT consulting, Mobile APP
OFFERS 1st 30 days FREE, $15 per month
CONTACT NAME Cynthia McCalister
EMAIL cjmccalister@qualitysap.com
MOBILE PHONE 513-227-2079
DESCRIPTION Bookkeeping services helping business owners with their profit & loss statements, cashflow analysis, etc.
OFFERS 10% discount for CEG members.
WEBSITE https://rdabookkeeping.com
CONTACT NAME Robert Baines
EMAIL robert@rdabookkeeping.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-290-1437
MOBILE PHONE 513-290-1437
DESCRIPTION Security company specializing in home security installation including surveillance cameras, electrical services and security system repair
WEBSITE www.runnelinnovations.com
CONTACT NAME Lawrence Harris
EMAIL runnelinnovationsllc@mail.com
OFFICE PHONE 937-499-4098
MOBILE PHONE 937-367-0854
DESCRIPTION Specializing in holistic hair loss control, restoration, and wellness
WEBSITE www.salonmobility.com; kalimahsdigitalpractice.com; https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/kalimah-s-digital-practice/signup
CONTACT NAME Kalimah Cooper
EMAIL salonmobilityllc@gmail.com; secretsbysalonmobility@gmail.com; kalimahsdigitalpractice@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-884-4247
MOBILE PHONE 678-437-6185
DESCRIPTION Assisting Buyers/Sellers/Investors with real estate investments. Specializing in Residential/Commercial/Leases/Foreclosures.
OFFERS Offering flexible commission for sellers and resources for buyers
WEBSITE www.shhrealtygroupllc.com
CONTACT NAME Sheila Holmes Howard, Real Estate Sales Consultant, ABR, AHWD, Realtor®
EMAIL shhrealtygroupllc@gmail.com
MOBILE PHONE 513-543-2333
DESCRIPTION Event planning, floral arrangements and venue space services
WEBSITE www.confettiroomcincy.com
CONTACT NAME Simone Charles
EMAIL hello@socialbevents.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-446-1650
MOBILE PHONE 478-747-6372
DESCRIPTION Full-service restaurant and caterer that gives back to the community by feeding the homeless on Sundays and Thanksgiving.
OFFERS Discounts offered - 30% discount for seniors, $4 per catering order from CEG members.
WEBSITE www.southerngraceeats.com
CONTACT NAME Nickey Stevenson
EMAIL info@southerngraceeats.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-808-5819
MOBILE PHONE 513-808-5819
DESCRIPTION Master lawn care, small construction, snow removal, excavation
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced service repairs over $200
EMAIL zekeadamza@gmail.com
MOBILE PHONE 513-633-8880
DESCRIPTION Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, Insurance
OFFERS Discounts per client
CONTACT NAME Pamela Staples
EMAIL staplestax@yahoo.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-541-2860
MOBILE PHONE 513-344-5526
DESCRIPTION Provide delicious desserts on all levels so that your taste buds are jazzed up.
OFFERS 10%-15% depending on the size of the order.
WEBSITE sweetjazztreats.com
CONTACT NAME Jasmine Davis
EMAIL sweetjazztreats@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-293-1934
MOBILE PHONE 513-293-1934
DESCRIPTION IT business services, Computer/Laptop, tablet repair, Computer/Laptop sales, computer component sales, web development/design and maintenance
OFFERS 10% discount on regular priced sales/service
WEBSITE techtailormade.com
EMAIL rwalker@techtailormade.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-549-8308
MOBILE PHONE 513-377-1679
DESCRIPTION Professional Employment Agency
OFFERS Free consultations
WEBSITE tri-citystaffing.com
EMAIL ddonaldson@tri-citystaffing.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-802-5635
MOBILE PHONE 513-344-6522
OFFERS Down payment grants
WEBSITE www.usavingsbank.com
CONTACT NAME Keith Borders
EMAIL kborders@usavingsbank.com, gwilliams@usavingsbank.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-247-0300
MOBILE PHONE 513-699-1994
OFFERS 10% discount on events produced by Valor and Virtue Productions
WEBSITE www.vandvproductions.com
CONTACT NAME Myra Wallace-Walker
EMAIL valorandvirtueproductions@gmail.com
OFFICE PHONE 513-550-9400
MOBILE PHONE 562-313-0278